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“Don’t Wait ‘Til the Last Minute”: Good Advice for Buying a Generator (and Doing Digital Advertising)

Hey there, 

About 6% of homes have generators in the US. They can cost anywhere between $3k and $20k. For the consumer, it’s a purchase that requires some research.

It’s NOT a purchase to be made last minute (like when a storm is about to hit). Why?

--- the generator model might be on backorder

--- there may be a waitlist for the installation

--- financing, permits, paperwork

--- portable or standby?

--- how often do you lose power?

Digital advertising for local service businesses, like generator dealers, works in a similar way. 

The best time to invest isn’t during a storm, or right after a surge. For many of the same reasons, it’s best to put your system in place so that when a big storm does hit, you’re ready to power on and win new business. 

Why Not Wait Until a Surge to Advertise (PPC, SEO, Social, etc.)

  • The campaign will take a couple weeks for implementation (new website, etc.)
  • Time is needed for positive momentum to start building. 
  • You’ll want to go with a campaign that’s the right size for your business --- not too big, not too small. 
  • You’ll want the time to iron out the details, the cost, the goals, the KPIs, etc. 

So if you’re thinking about putting a smart digital advertising campaign into place, don’t put it off for a later date. You might thank yourself in the future!

Ready to double, triple, or even quadruple your generator web leads? Want more installations? More annual maintenance contracts? Power Source has a full-court press plan for you --- at the right price, and with deep knowledge of your industry. 

Book a 15-minute call and we’ll talk about your monthly leads, your monthly site visitors, and a plan for winning more business from the web. 
